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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Well, Aren't I Special!

Hey all,
I just noticed that I've been given two very prestigious blogging pats on the back.

First, I was notified that one of my recent posts received the Golden Aardvark Aaward by Aardvark Alley.

And then I saw that I've been named the very first Lutheran Blog of the week.

First of all - and I'll keep this short maestro - I'd like to thank all my fans. It's all for you!!! And I want to thank my wife who puts up with a lot of *&$#@ from me, I'm sad to say. And finally, I'd like to thank myself because I couldn't have done it without me.

You may now all address me as Excellency please.

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Ghosts on Film

My darling niece in Colorado sent us a Halloween e-mail with a pretty creepy vid attachment. I've found it on the net and link to it. I don't believe in ghosts and I'll maybe explain that in a future post. But I do believe in evil spirits who may very well masquerade as spirits of the dead to deceive us.

Well anyway, some car company was making a commercial and caught something really bizarre on their film. Watch closely as the car winds down the road for a faint misty figure. As the car pulls out from behind a grove of trees, an odd mist figure appears to be following the car. Is it only a natural mist or something supernatural? I'll let you decide.

And make sure your sound is turned on because you can faintly hear the cameraman muttering about the phenomena.

Here's the link.

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